This course is currently between semesters— the information on this website is presented for informational purposes only; material is subject to revisions before the course begins.
CSCI E-15 Web Server Frameworks with Laravel/PHP

About the course forum

In this course, we will use a Github Issues forum to communicate as a class.

About Github Issues

Traditionally, Github’s Issues is used for documenting problems or feature requests in a specific software project (example: webpack/issues).

For our purposes, however, we’ll use Github Issues as a questions and answers forum for the course.

This will allow us to gain experience using a real-world software development tool while practicing our technical communication skills.

My hope is that you will use the forum to not only get your own questions answered, but also learn from the questions your classmates are asking.

Posting policies

Best practices

Getting help effectively

Search first for quicker resolutions: Posting in the forum should not be your first stop in solving a problem. Instead, resources like Google and StackOverflow are necessary resources that can often give you an immediate answer to the problem at hand.

If you can’t find your answer there, then search the forum to see if anyone else is having a similar problem which has already been solved (or is in the process of being solved).

If you can’t find your solution, then create a new post.

Write clear, thoughtful questions: One of the skills you’ll be working on in this class is how to articulate technical problems; this is an essential skill for any programmer. The more information you can provide, the quicker your peers will be able to help you.


Here’s an example of a post that needs work:

And here’s that same post corrected:

Classroom community

In a traditional in-person classroom - not only do you obtain information from the lecturer, but you absorb supplemental details when your classmates ask questions mid-lecture, or while engaging with your peers before/after lecture or during breaks. In an online course, much of this community chatter is lost, and with it so is the opportunity for learning via exposure to related questions and ideas. With this in mind, the forum is not just about getting your questions answered. Instead, it’s about being actively engaged in a community to benefit from the supplemental learning opportunities available there.

With that in mind, engagement can/should take many forms:

Do not feel discouraged if you can’t answer questions, or even if you don’t understand some of the questions being posted. Even if you don’t understand something now, the point is to open yourself to new ideas from your classmates.